Platinum and Palladium Certified Reference Materials (CRMs)

LPPM has successfully completed the manufacture of the first Platinum and Palladium Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) and they are now ready to be delivered.

The CRMs were manufactured by Tanaka K.K. and analysed for homogeneity and the contained elements by the five LPPM referees:

Johnson Matthey; Metalor Technologies; PAMP; Tanaka K.K.; Valcambi.

And five other prominent Platinum Group Metal companies, worldwide:

Anglo Platinum; BASF; Cendre et Metaux; Heraeus; Umicore.

All the results of the extensive testing were coordinated and statistically analysed by Dr Mike Hinds of the Royal Canadian Mint.

The LPPM are very pleased to have produced the first Platinum and Palladium CRMs and believe this is an important step forward for the PGM industry’s analytical chemistry development.

Each set of each metal contains two samples of different levels of impurities.

Certificates of Analysis

The cost of these CRMs is set out below, there are two parts - manufacturing and the metal contained:

Sets Manufacturing Costs
Per Set
Approx. Weight of
Each Sample
(two per set)
Sample Shapes
are Octagonal
Pt US$ 6,100 41g 25mm wide x 4mm thick
Pd US$ 4,000 34g 25mm wide x 6mm thick


The CRMs are in limited supply and should you wish to purchase, we recommend that you let us know in the near future.

If you have any questions please address them in the first instance to our technical consultant John Fairley on:  
