12th September 2024

LPPM/LBMA Cocktail Reception

18.00 - 20.00 Lotte New York Hotel

This event is open to members of the LPPM and LBMA only. Should you wish to receive an invitation, please contact Tina Gill on admin@lppm.com

Please note the date for 2025 will be Thursday, 18th September 2025

13th October 2024 - 15th October 2024

LBMA/LPPM Conference


Registration for the LBMA/LPPM Precious Metals Conference to be held at the Diplomat Beach Resort in Miami is now open

Please register here

11th February 2025

34th Annual General Meeting

5.00 pm Chartered Accountants' Hall, 1 Moorgate Place

This event will be a hybrid event allowing members to join in person or virtually. It is open to Full and Associate members of the LPPM.

Papers will be sent to qualifying members one month prior.

20th May 2025 - 21st May 2025

Platinum Week 2025


Tuesday, 20th May - venue to be confirmed

Wednesday, 21st May - venue to be confirmed

Members will receive full details after the AGM in February 2025.

Cost per head for non members joining the seminar and cocktail reception is £275.00 plus VAT, if applicable.

For more information
